Monday, September 28, 2009

How Can I Make Myself an Enemy of God?

James 4:4

"You adulteresses, do you not know that friendship with the world is hostility toward God? Therefore whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy with God."

Do you not know? James assumes this to be common knowledge. Those who think that God is not hostile towards anyone are simply wrong. What's more interesting is that James equates "wishing" to be a friend of the world, not "being", with making oneself an enemy with God. O, how our discontent with what God has given us (acting like adulteresses) not only grieves our Lord, but also fans the flame of His terrifying anger. Do not love the world unless you want to make the Almighty your Enemy.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Introducing Week in Review

Every Friday morning, I will try to post some thoughts recapping the week and linking some stories and articles that I think are worthy of your time.

What Did Your Pastor Do This Week?
Weekdays are quite busy for pastors. We do not just lounge around waiting for Sunday to come around. Seminary picked up to full speed this week and it seems it will be a difficult year. I finished a book I started a few weeks ago, you can read my review on facebook WeRead app (it's one of the best apps to have on facebook). With that done, I started reading a new book to prepare for New Testament Survey class that will start this Sunday. You should get really excited about that; I am! I will end this week with spending time with our Youth Group at BWF and Saturday morning service.

We also got started on our Middle School Bible study. It will start this week. Because of that, I had to purchase some curriculum, and while I was at it, I made some other purchases. Spent a lot of money this week! Actually, the Bible study kit just arrived! Woohoo!

Please do keep in mind that I also do work 30+ hours a week at a private school. So if it seems that your pastor is not putting in more time for pastoral duties, please do be gracious with him!

Interesting Happenings
A kid at Chinese Christian Schools hurt is toe pretty badly (the nail was almost coming off) because he opened the door too quickly over his bare foot. There was quite a bit of blood. I had to clean him up and carry him to the nurse's office.

Check These Links Out
My Church of Kingdom? - Article by Ray Ortlund. Well worth your time.
Rebuilding the Basics of Bethlehem - Article by John Piper on the Doctrines of Grace. Yes, the Doctrines of Grace should be the basics of any church.
I Do Not Permit - Clip of D.A. Carson showing the fallacy of an argument that wants to make the command in 1 Timothy 2 not absolute.
Why Do the Nations Rage? - Article by Albert Mohler on National Blasphemy Day, September 30th.

Looking Forward To
A Tale of Two Sons - A DVD study guide for MacArthur's book on the Prodigal

The Ever-growing Wish List

Adoration: Solo Piano Hymns by David Nevue
Keep in Step with the Spirit by J.I. Packer
Socratic Logic 3e by Peter Kreeft

Monday, September 21, 2009

Do I Have a Good Reason?

Jonah 4:3,4

"'Therefore now, O LORD, take my life from me, for death is better to me than life.' The LORD said, 'Do you have good reason to be angry?'"

The answer? No. Think about it the next time you're angry, covetous, discouraged. We might just be little Jonahs complaining about a gracious, compassionate God.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Laboring to Enter that Rest

Hebrews 4:11

"Therefore let us be diligent to enter that rest, so that no one will fall, through following the same example of disobedience."

Today is Labor day. It is a day we rest from our labors. May it be a reminder to us of our future rest, the true rest we hope in. As the author of Hebrews exhorts us, let us be diligent to enter that rest. No rest from labors will be as sweet as the one that awaits us in the day of the Lord. We have not entered it yet, meaning that our labors are not finished. So let us be diligent to obey the precepts and commands of our Lord; let us fulfill our ministry! God bless!