Thursday, February 5, 2009

01-25-09 Sermon Review

God Have Mercy

In many parts of the United States this January 22nd many celebrated the 36th anniversary of the controversial ruling that enabled legal abortions in the US. But I grieved. I grieved as I considered the millions of babies that were "aborted" since Roe v. Wade. I grieved as I considered the sanctity of human life and how Roe v. Wade in a single sweep allowed for the destruction of human life. Abortion is no small matter.

I grieved also at the fact that our newly inaugurated president has made no insignificant statement regarding his position and his plans concerning abortion. On the day of the anniversary He stated, "I remain committed to a woman's right to choose." He also shows unwavering commitment to the Freedom of Choice Act. Such statements send a terrifying chill down my spine.

So what are the issues in abortion? RC Sproul states that this is a very complex issue that involves the basic rights of privacy, individual liberty, woman's rights, and the unborn's rights. But these are all secondary to this most critical question: when does life of a human person begin? This should be the first question that must be answered; yet, you would be surprised at how confusing the literature is on this issue. You would expect there to be a certain amount of certainty to an issue that deals with the termination of possible human life, but there isn't. And those who support Roe v. Wade and the freedom of choice would like to keep it confusing. How should we who believe in the Scriptures as the ultimate authority and believe in the sanctity of human life as taught in the Scriptures respond to this issue?

First, let me tell you that the Scriptures itself is not absolutely clear on the issue. What I mean is that the Scriptures do not explicitly state that personal human life begins at the moment of conception. If it did, there would be our prooftext. But here are a few notes to consider for those who would like to dismiss the idea that Scripture supports life at the moment of conception. 1) An unborn child is treated as a personal living human in the Israelites' court of law (Exodus 21:22-25). 2) The same Greek and Hebrew word to describe a post-natal child is used of the pre-natal child. 3) John the Baptist was filled with the Holy Spirit while in the womb (Luke 1:39-45). 4) God knew of the existence of the person before conception and also forms the baby in the womb (Psalm 139). 5) Jesus' person and life existed before the moment of conception.

These points are not easy to dismiss when also taken alongside what the law of nature tells us. Here are some studies done on the pre-natal child that you ought to know. The whole genetic code that is necessary to create a human person is extant at the moment of conception. You can observe the heart beating at eighteen to twenty-five days. By the eight week, you can see fingerprints and notice brain waves. All major body functions are observed by the eleventh week. At twelve and thirteen weeks, the child sucks its thumb and recoils from pain. Physically, it is hard to dismiss the idea that this "fetus" is nothing but tissue as some still vehemently argue.

Some who defend abortion would even go as far as to say that the mother should have a choice to abort the baby even after the baby is born. Peter Singer, a notable philosopher and ethics authority, said, "There [is a] lack of any clear boundary between the newborn infant, who is clearly not a person in the ethically relevant sense, and the young child who is. In out book, Should the Baby Live?, my colleague Helga Kuhse and I suggested that a period of twenty-eight days after birth might be allowed before an infant is accepted as having the same right to life as others."

How is a baby "aborted." You need to know this. You need to see it. You won't understand why I feel the way I do about this until you can imagine the death of a child before you. Go to and watch the videos. Here are the most common ways abortion is done. 1) Dilation and Suction - The baby is suckd out the womb. 2) Dilation and Curetage - The baby is too big and therefore, must be cut into pieces and then sucked out. Often the head is to big and therefore, must be crushed before removal. The abortionist places the pieces on a table to make sure every part of the "fetus" is removed. 3) Saline Injection - A saline solution is injected into the amniotic sac which literally burns the infant alive. The body is then forced out of the womb dead. 4) Caesarian - The doctorcs surgically open the womb and remove the baby. I am not sure when or how the baby dies. I do not want to know. 5) Partial Birth - The mother goes into induced labor. When the head comes out, the skull is cracked and the baby immediately dies. The mother then pushes out the rest of the dead body. 6) Birth Control Pills - Certain birth control pills force the mother's body to react to conception immediately allowing for the removal of the fetus.

What is the current state of affairs? There are about 1.5 million aboritons each year. 1% occur because of rape, 6% occur because of potential harm to both mother and child, and 93% of all abortions occur for social reasons. 52% of all abortions are performed before the 9th week while 1% (which is around 16,450 per year) occur after the 20th week. Protestants make up 37.4% of all abortions; Catholics 31.3%. 18% are done by "Evangelicals."

1.5 million babies. It is hard for me to sympathize with those who detest war while they are absolutely content with what is going on just down the street where pieces of human baby body parts can be found in the dumpster. After all this, after studying all this, all I could say is "God have mercy!" There is nothing more I can say. I pray that abortion to you and to this nation will become as appalling and unimaginable as slavery has become. Until then, pray with me? Stand against it. Do it for the Lord. I'm very thankful that the Lord has already shown mercy to us. Mercy was shown on the cross when Jesus died for our sins. It is this that should drive us to humility when speaking on this subject with those who disagree. And it is also this that should spur us to fight against it. God have mercy. Thank you for Jesus. Stay strong in the Lord and God bless!

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