These days, people feel as if making a choice for Christ is the same as making a choice between cars. Christianity is just another religion, just pick what's right for you. Christianity is just another means to satisfy our needs and desires. If it satisfies the need, choose Christianity. This is not the Christianity of the Bible.
The term "Christian" was not used in the first
The decision to become a disciple of Christ is not an easy one to make though. If it was, I wouldn’t be writing this article! Jesus makes some very costly and clear-cut demands that must be satisfied if one is to follow Him. Jesus says, “If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me.” (Mark
What’s sad is that some so-called Christians would believe themselves to be such disciples of Christ; yet, their lives obviously show that they consider their own lives more valuable than following Christ! Their lives are characterized negatively by a neglecting of God’s Word, prayer, fellowship in the Church, attendance to bible studies, etc; and positively by a pursuit of their own delights, hobbies, dreams, and even at times by willful disobedience. We can only pray that these people would come to a realization of the beauty of Christ that would radically change their lives.
When someone considers Christ more valuable than his own life, it can only be evident. Think of a husband who loves his wife more than his life. You would see his strong love for his wife without a doubt as soon as you see them together! And even if she was not there, his true passion will probably spill into your conversation! Yet, our commitment to Christ is often times not even noticed. The bible begs us to reconsider our Christianity. Jesus begs us to come out of our luke-warm devotion to Him and give Him the radical obedience and commitment that He deserves. He pleads with us to count the cost and make a choice to follow Him. He yearns for us to deny ourselves and find in Him the ultimate satisfaction. The psalmist obviously had the right heart, “Whom have I in heaven but You? And besides You, I desire nothing on earth” (Psalm 73:25). I pray your choice to be a Christian is a radical choice to follow after Christ. Stay strong and God bless!
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