Friday, April 4, 2008

The Cross Centered Life - CJ Mahaney

A short, yet powerful book on keeping the gospel of Jesus Christ central in our lives. And when I say short, I mean short. And when I say powerful, I mean powerful. This book was probably one of the most delightful sub-100 page books I've read (but then again, I haven't read that many books!). Mahaney really does a great job highlighting the significance and importance of living a cross centered life as well as drawing a picture of what it actually looks like, all in a few words. I read it through in one sitting in a very short amount of time, and most likely would do it again. If you are just starting off your walk with Jesus, or want to gain some insight of an aged pastor who has walked with Jesus and lives a cross centered life, I highly recommend this book. It's brevity makes it appealing, but also the content is quite meaningful and I'm sure it would be very delightful to the saved soul.

Pages: 85 (with small pages!)
Reading Difficulty: Simple
Rating: 5/5
Buy or Borrow: I would buy this book and refer to it every once in awhile to remind yourself of great gospel truth and to encourage yourself to make the cross central in your life.

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