Friday, May 2, 2008

Radical Christianity pt. 7 (Conclusion)

It seems only fitting to bring this series to a close by making some last observations and exhortations. If you've missed the series, you can find them here. We have in the past six posts introduced the concept of Radical Christianity and looked at five ways in which Christianity is radical. Here are all the points that we went through:

1. Radical Decision for Christ
2. Radical Commitment to His Church
3. Radical Mind Transformed by the Word
4. Radical Measures in Present Living
5. Radical Mission towards Future Glory

Now, the purpose in stating these five points was not to create a new kind of Christianity or even a call for reform in Christianity, but to show that true and historic Christianity was always radical. This was not to suggest that there is a higher level of Christianity, a extreme Christianity, or a "holier" Christianity, but simply Christianity. Frances Chan in his recent book called Crazy love is quoted by Tim Challiess in a recent post, "a lukewarm Christian is an oxymoron; there’s no such thing. To put it plainly, churchgoers who are ‘lukewarm’ are not Christians. We will not see them in heaven." I agree. Why? Because Christianity is radical; it allows no room for lukewarmness or complacency. I hope these seven posts have been sufficient to show that, and I pray we'd all vigorously test ourselves to see whether or not we are in the faith (2 Corinthians 13:5).

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