Wednesday, August 13, 2008

07-27-08 Sermon Review

The Most Famous Bible Verse
John 3:16

There is no doubt in my mind that John 3:16 is the most famous bible versein the world, and that it has affected the lives of many. Those who have grown up in a Christian home or in a church probably can recite it from memory. It is most often the first verse translated when missionaries attempt to translate the Bible into another language. The little Gideon's Bible has a few pages in the front dedicated to this passage, and numerous gospel tracts highlight this verse in their presentation.

What makes this Bible verse so great? I know my list will not be comprehensive, but I'll attempt to give you some good reasons why this verse is so cherished by Christians around the world.

The Greatest Person - First, this verse is making a statement about the greatest person in existence: God. Many do not realize that this verse is about God and not about them. One of the greatest realizations of my college years was that I am not the main character. Many would come to this verse and read, "For God so loved ME..." or the impact of the verse comes as "I am loved by God." Though the text does not say this, we usually like this verse not because it elevates God, but makes us feel good about ourselves. No, this verse is great because it is about God, the greatest person in existence.

The Greatest Love - So what of this God? This verse reveals to us the greatest person doing the greatest act of love. God's love resulted in God giving His Son for the sins of His people. Though it is not clearly stated in the verse that God gave His Son as a sacrifice, this is implied from the context. Jesus mentions His own exaltation on the cross for sinners in the verses prior. We are reminded of the words of Jesus when He says, "Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends" (John 15:13). In this case, the friends were sinners completely undeserving. Jesus did not just teach things about great love, He embodied it and lived it. No wonder the Apostle John can say that "God is love" (1 John 4:8). And no wonder this verse is so powerful. What a demonstration of love that is here!

The Greatest Offer - Why did God do this, why did God have to show His love in this way? If He did not, sinners would face the wrath of God. To appease that wrath, an adequate substitute or atonement must be made. Christ ws given as that substitute so that "whosoever believes will have eternal life." God Himself as an eternal possession instead of His eternal wrath in the lake of fire all through the work of Jesus Christ on the cross alone, that is a a great offer - the greatest offer that a sinner who stand in judgment can receive. And this verse gives us just that.

The Greatest Assurance - The greatest offer comes with the greatest assurance. God is faithful to His promises. The prophetic "wil have eternal life" in our verse today can be fully trusted. Therefore, the greatest assurance we can find on this side of eternity is the truthfulness of God's Word. God has given us His Son and promised in His Word. God will surely give eternal life to all who believe. What greater assurance could we ask for?

These four points are come of the reasons why I believe this verse has greatly encouraged and affected many. As long as we understand the deep truths embodied in this verse and the true meaning of the passage, we'll also draw much comfort, assurance, and joy as the rest who have found it in this verse. Praise the Lord that John 3:16 is in His unchanging, perfect Word! Stay strong and God bless!

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