Wednesday, April 1, 2009

How our girls are growing up

An interesting, yet sad article on Newsweek about how girls are growing up. Here's an excerpt:

"Sounds extreme? Maybe. But this, my friends, is the new normal: a generation that primps and dyes and pulls and shapes, younger and with more vigor. Girls today are salon vets before they enter elementary school. Forget having mom trim your bangs, fourth graders are in the market for lush $50 haircuts; by the time they hit high school, $150 highlights are standard. Five-year-olds have spa days and pedicure parties. And instead of shaving their legs the old-fashioned way—with a 99-cent drugstore razor—teens get laser hair removal, the most common cosmetic procedure of that age group. If these trends continue, by the time your tween hits the Botox years, she'll have spent thousands on the beauty treatments once reserved for the "Beverly Hills, 90210" set, not junior highs in Madison, Wis."

Yes, you will not find anything about girls growing up with Proverbs 31:30 as their motto. It is sad that boys are growing up with other standards than Proverbs 31:30 as well. Something to think about.

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