Friday, November 20, 2009

Week in Review 11/20/09

What Did Your Pastor Do This Week?
This week was quite a joyful week! I started taking a Karate class nearby the school that I work. I would never start such a class, but the instructors teach in my After School Program, and they gave me 3 months for free! I couldn't pass up on that deal! I enjoyed it a lot; it's quite a good work out. However, it has drained me of energy and made me quite sore. As a result, I lost ground in my seminary classes and work at CCS. This will be a very busy weekend for me!

I had also the privilege of grabbing dinner with one of my closest friends from college. He is now a medical school student near my seminary. It was a blessing to discuss all that God is doing in our lives and to see how things change while God does not change. Such conversations and times spent together with believers truly are uplifting, and I pray you are growing to appreciate these moments as well.

Interesting Happenings
Four ladies at CCS who have daughters my age were asking if I wanted to get married to their daughters. It was all fun but a bit awkward.

Check These Links Out
Mass We Pray - A new... game... Unbelievable.
Climate Change Takes a Time-Out - Interesting article on global warming.
Why Gambling is Sin - Phil Johnson summarizes this controversial issue.
Misconceptions about Reading - Some good thoughts by Tim Challies.

The Ever-growing Wish List
Who Made God? - By Edgar Andrews BSc, PhD, DSc, FInstP, FIMMM, CEng, CPhys. Yes I know, that's pretty crazy; I do not even know what they stand for...

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