Friday, December 18, 2009

Week in Review 12/18/09

What Did Your Pastor Do This Week
He got his orange belt! It was quite an interesting experience. Now that I'm an orange belt, they let me do some sparring and grappling. I had to do a grappling match this week along, and so they taught me the basics along with how to do an arm bar and a kimodo lock. I never thought I'd enjoy Karate so much!

AS for CCS, it's the last week before Christmas so things are getting pretty jolly. Presents are being given, parties are being held; it's quite some fun. I also had the privilege of speaking at our Middle School chapel. That was a blessing. I'm praying that the message will really hit home for the students. I never received so many gifts before in my life. I am very, very thankful. I think I have gift cards that total to around $100 in cash value.

This weekend will be some more fun as well as there will be our church's Christmas service as well as a party at the Lee's! Looking forward to a wonderful Christmas season!

Interesting Happenings
One of the students at CCS gave all the other teachers chocolate, but he gave me Chinese Tea. Hm...

Check These Links Out
Should She go to Med-School - Some good advice from godly, wiser women.
Rich Daddy God - Tim Challies' light and funny review about a weird board game.

The Ever-growing Wish List
John - By RC Sproul

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