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Desiring God - John Piper
A Christian classic written in our life-time. I had high expectations from this book because I have heard so much about it, and to my delight, I was not disappointed. It is no wonder why Desiring God receives such high praise from the Christian community. The book is written very clearly, and therefore though the main theme and concepts of the book might be radically new to some, they are not hard to grasp and follow. Everything from the preface to the appendix is well-written and exceptionally useful and pertinent to the reader. I found the chapter on suffering to be particularly enjoyable and challenging as it exhorts you to view suffering in such a radical God-pleasing, delightful way. The book is a study and meditation on the doctrine of pleasure in God. Piper starts by explaining his concept of Christian Hedonism by tweaking the Wesminster Catechism's statement "The chief end of man is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever" to " The chief end of man is to glorify God by enjoying Him forever." This has been the bed-rock of Piper's ministry (see and has been affecting the lives of many as their eyes are opened to the pleasures of knowing God. I agree with John Macarthur's praise of the book: "A soul stirring celebration of the pleasures of knowing God... A must read for every Christian and a feast for the spiritually hungry." Indeed, what a joy to know that "God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him!" I am grieved that my writing ability is not good enough to write a review that is deserving of the book. Highly recommended.
Pages - 307
Reading Difficulty - Normal
Rating - 5/5
Buy or Borrow - It is highly recommended that you get your own copy of this book. It is a classic that I'm sure you'll find pleasure reading more than just once!
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